
Vivado’s timing analysis on set_max_delay and set_min_delay

OK, what’s this?

This page is the example part of another post, which explains the meaning of set_max_delay and set_min_delay when used as I/O timing constraints.

The Verilog code that was used in these examples:

module top(
    input test_clk,
    input test_in,
(* IOB = "TRUE" *) output reg test_out

(* IOB = "TRUE" *) reg test_samp;

   always @(posedge test_clk)
	test_samp <= test_in;
	test_out <= test_samp;

The implementation was run for a Kintex Ultrascale.

The timing reports for the output port

In accordance with that other post, the timing constraints behind the examples below are:

create_clock -name theclk -period 20 [get_ports test_clk]
set_max_delay -to [get_ports test_out] 7
set_min_delay -to [get_ports test_out] 0
set_max_delay -from [get_ports test_in] 1
set_min_delay -from [get_ports test_in] -3

The timing report for the output port in response to set_max_delay:

Slack (MET) :             1.260ns  (required time - arrival time)
  Source:                 test_out_reg/C
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by theclk  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
  Destination:            test_out
  Path Group:             **default**
  Path Type:              Max at Slow Process Corner
  Requirement:            7.000ns  (MaxDelay Path 7.000ns)
  Data Path Delay:        2.626ns  (logic 2.201ns (83.817%)  route 0.425ns (16.183%))
  Logic Levels:           1  (OBUF=1)
  Output Delay:           0.000ns
  Clock Path Skew:        -3.114ns (DCD - SCD + CPR)
    Destination Clock Delay (DCD):    0.000ns
    Source Clock Delay      (SCD):    3.114ns
    Clock Pessimism Removal (CPR):    0.000ns
  Clock Net Delay (Source):      1.282ns (routing 0.002ns, distribution 1.280ns)
  Timing Exception:       MaxDelay Path 7.000ns

    Location             Delay type                Incr(ns)  Path(ns)    Netlist Resource(s)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------
                         (clock theclk rise edge)     0.000     0.000 r  
    AG12                                              0.000     0.000 r  test_clk (IN)
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     0.000    test_clk_IBUF_inst/I
    AG12                 INBUF (Prop_INBUF_HRIO_PAD_O)
                                                      0.738     0.738 r  test_clk_IBUF_inst/INBUF_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.105     0.843    test_clk_IBUF_inst/OUT
    AG12                 IBUFCTRL (Prop_IBUFCTRL_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      0.049     0.892 r  test_clk_IBUF_inst/IBUFCTRL_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.839     1.731    test_clk_IBUF
                                                      0.101     1.832 r  test_clk_IBUF_BUFG_inst/O
    X2Y0 (CLOCK_ROOT)    net (fo=2, routed)           1.282     3.114    test_clk_IBUF_BUFG
    BITSLICE_RX_TX_X1Y50 FDRE                                         r  test_out_reg/C
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------
                                                      0.734     3.848 r  test_out_reg/Q
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.425     4.273    test_out_OBUF
    AL8                  OBUF (Prop_OUTBUF_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      1.467     5.740 r  test_out_OBUF_inst/O
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     5.740    test_out
    AL8                                                               r  test_out (OUT)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------

                         max delay                    7.000     7.000    
                         clock pessimism              0.000     7.000    
                         output delay                -0.000     7.000    
                         required time                          7.000    
                         arrival time                          -5.740    
                         slack                                  1.260

As already explained, this is a calculation of clock-to-output from the clock pin to the output pin.

The timing report for the output port in response to set_min_delay:

Slack (MET) :             2.242ns  (arrival time - required time)
  Source:                 test_out_reg/C
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by theclk  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
  Destination:            test_out
  Path Group:             **default**
  Path Type:              Min at Fast Process Corner
  Requirement:            0.000ns  (MinDelay Path 0.000ns)
  Data Path Delay:        1.009ns  (logic 0.848ns (84.050%)  route 0.161ns (15.950%))
  Logic Levels:           1  (OBUF=1)
  Output Delay:           0.000ns
  Clock Path Skew:        -1.233ns (DCD - SCD - CPR)
    Destination Clock Delay (DCD):    0.000ns
    Source Clock Delay      (SCD):    1.233ns
    Clock Pessimism Removal (CPR):    -0.000ns
  Clock Net Delay (Source):      0.477ns (routing 0.002ns, distribution 0.475ns)
  Timing Exception:       MinDelay Path 0.000ns

    Location             Delay type                Incr(ns)  Path(ns)    Netlist Resource(s)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------
                         (clock theclk rise edge)     0.000     0.000 r  
    AG12                                              0.000     0.000 r  test_clk (IN)
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     0.000    test_clk_IBUF_inst/I
    AG12                 INBUF (Prop_INBUF_HRIO_PAD_O)
                                                      0.339     0.339 r  test_clk_IBUF_inst/INBUF_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.025     0.364    test_clk_IBUF_inst/OUT
    AG12                 IBUFCTRL (Prop_IBUFCTRL_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      0.015     0.379 r  test_clk_IBUF_inst/IBUFCTRL_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.350     0.729    test_clk_IBUF
                                                      0.027     0.756 r  test_clk_IBUF_BUFG_inst/O
    X2Y0 (CLOCK_ROOT)    net (fo=2, routed)           0.477     1.233    test_clk_IBUF_BUFG
    BITSLICE_RX_TX_X1Y50 FDRE                                         r  test_out_reg/C
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------
                                                      0.264     1.497 r  test_out_reg/Q
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.161     1.658    test_out_OBUF
    AL8                  OBUF (Prop_OUTBUF_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      0.584     2.242 r  test_out_OBUF_inst/O
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     2.242    test_out
    AL8                                                               r  test_out (OUT)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------

                         min delay                    0.000     0.000    
                         clock pessimism              0.000     0.000    
                         output delay                -0.000     0.000    
                         required time                         -0.000    
                         arrival time                           2.242    
                         slack                                  2.242

In essence, this is the same calculation. The difference is that the minimal delays are taken into account for each logic element. And also, the requirement is 0 ns.

The timing reports for the input port

The timing report for the input port in response to set_max_delay:

Slack (MET) :             1.317ns  (required time - arrival time)
  Source:                 test_in
                            (input port)
  Destination:            test_samp_reg/D
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by theclk  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
  Path Group:             theclk
  Path Type:              Setup (Max at Fast Process Corner)
  Requirement:            1.000ns  (MaxDelay Path 1.000ns)
  Data Path Delay:        0.851ns  (logic 0.686ns (80.600%)  route 0.165ns (19.400%))
  Logic Levels:           2  (IBUFCTRL=1 INBUF=1)
  Clock Path Skew:        1.217ns (DCD - SCD + CPR)
    Destination Clock Delay (DCD):    1.217ns
    Source Clock Delay      (SCD):    0.000ns
    Clock Pessimism Removal (CPR):    0.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:      0.025ns  ((TSJ^2 + TIJ^2)^1/2 + DJ) / 2 + PE
    Total System Jitter     (TSJ):    0.050ns
    Total Input Jitter      (TIJ):    0.000ns
    Discrete Jitter          (DJ):    0.000ns
    Phase Error              (PE):    0.000ns
  Clock Net Delay (Destination): 0.461ns (routing 0.002ns, distribution 0.459ns)
  Timing Exception:       MaxDelay Path 1.000ns

    Location             Delay type                Incr(ns)  Path(ns)    Netlist Resource(s)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------
    AK8                                               0.000     0.000 r  test_in (IN)
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     0.000    test_in_IBUF_inst/I
    AK8                  INBUF (Prop_INBUF_HRIO_PAD_O)
                                                      0.664     0.664 r  test_in_IBUF_inst/INBUF_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.042     0.706    test_in_IBUF_inst/OUT
    AK8                  IBUFCTRL (Prop_IBUFCTRL_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      0.022     0.728 r  test_in_IBUF_inst/IBUFCTRL_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.123     0.851    test_in_IBUF
    BITSLICE_RX_TX_X1Y49 FDRE                                         r  test_samp_reg/D
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------

                         max delay                    1.000     1.000    
    AG12                                              0.000     1.000 r  test_clk (IN)
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     1.000    test_clk_IBUF_inst/I
    AG12                 INBUF (Prop_INBUF_HRIO_PAD_O)
                                                      0.339     1.339 r  test_clk_IBUF_inst/INBUF_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.025     1.364    test_clk_IBUF_inst/OUT
    AG12                 IBUFCTRL (Prop_IBUFCTRL_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      0.015     1.379 r  test_clk_IBUF_inst/IBUFCTRL_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.350     1.729    test_clk_IBUF
                                                      0.027     1.756 r  test_clk_IBUF_BUFG_inst/O
    X2Y0 (CLOCK_ROOT)    net (fo=2, routed)           0.461     2.217    test_clk_IBUF_BUFG
    BITSLICE_RX_TX_X1Y49 FDRE                                         r  test_samp_reg/C
                         clock pessimism              0.000     2.217    
                         clock uncertainty           -0.025     2.192    
                                                     -0.024     2.168    test_samp_reg
                         required time                          2.168    
                         arrival time                          -0.851    
                         slack                                  1.317

As already mentioned, there's no intuitive explanation to this calculation. Neither is there much to say about the timing report for the input port in response to set_min_delay:

Slack (MET) :             0.700ns  (arrival time - required time)
  Source:                 test_in
                            (input port)
  Destination:            test_samp_reg/D
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by theclk  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
  Path Group:             theclk
  Path Type:              Hold (Min at Slow Process Corner)
  Requirement:            -3.000ns  (MinDelay Path -3.000ns)
  Data Path Delay:        0.850ns  (logic 0.617ns (72.583%)  route 0.233ns (27.417%))
  Logic Levels:           2  (IBUFCTRL=1 INBUF=1)
  Clock Path Skew:        3.077ns (DCD - SCD - CPR)
    Destination Clock Delay (DCD):    3.077ns
    Source Clock Delay      (SCD):    0.000ns
    Clock Pessimism Removal (CPR):    -0.000ns
  Clock Uncertainty:      0.025ns  ((TSJ^2 + TIJ^2)^1/2 + DJ) / 2 + PE
    Total System Jitter     (TSJ):    0.050ns
    Total Input Jitter      (TIJ):    0.000ns
    Discrete Jitter          (DJ):    0.000ns
    Phase Error              (PE):    0.000ns
  Clock Net Delay (Destination): 1.245ns (routing 0.002ns, distribution 1.243ns)
  Timing Exception:       MinDelay Path -3.000ns

    Location             Delay type                Incr(ns)  Path(ns)    Netlist Resource(s)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------
    AK8                                               0.000     0.000 r  test_in (IN)
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     0.000    test_in_IBUF_inst/I
    AK8                  INBUF (Prop_INBUF_HRIO_PAD_O)
                                                      0.583     0.583 r  test_in_IBUF_inst/INBUF_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.066     0.649    test_in_IBUF_inst/OUT
    AK8                  IBUFCTRL (Prop_IBUFCTRL_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      0.034     0.683 r  test_in_IBUF_inst/IBUFCTRL_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.167     0.850    test_in_IBUF
    BITSLICE_RX_TX_X1Y49 FDRE                                         r  test_samp_reg/D
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------

                         min delay                   -3.000    -3.000    
    AG12                                              0.000    -3.000 r  test_clk (IN)
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000    -3.000    test_clk_IBUF_inst/I
    AG12                 INBUF (Prop_INBUF_HRIO_PAD_O)
                                                      0.738    -2.262 r  test_clk_IBUF_inst/INBUF_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.105    -2.157    test_clk_IBUF_inst/OUT
    AG12                 IBUFCTRL (Prop_IBUFCTRL_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      0.049    -2.108 r  test_clk_IBUF_inst/IBUFCTRL_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.839    -1.269    test_clk_IBUF
                                                      0.101    -1.168 r  test_clk_IBUF_BUFG_inst/O
    X2Y0 (CLOCK_ROOT)    net (fo=2, routed)           1.245     0.077    test_clk_IBUF_BUFG
    BITSLICE_RX_TX_X1Y49 FDRE                                         r  test_samp_reg/C
                         clock pessimism              0.000     0.077    
                         clock uncertainty            0.025     0.102    
                                                      0.048     0.150    test_samp_reg
                         required time                         -0.150    
                         arrival time                           0.850    
                         slack                                  0.700     

The timing reports with -datapath_only

In accordance with that other post, the timing constraints behind the examples below are:

create_clock -name theclk -period 20 [get_ports test_clk]
set_max_delay -datapath_only -from [get_ports test_in] 2
set_max_delay -datapath_only -from [all_registers] \
   -to [get_ports test_out] 3

The timing report for the output port:

Slack (MET) :             0.374ns  (required time - arrival time)
  Source:                 test_out_reg/C
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by theclk  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
  Destination:            test_out
  Path Group:             **default**
  Path Type:              Max at Slow Process Corner
  Requirement:            3.000ns  (MaxDelay Path 3.000ns)
  Data Path Delay:        2.626ns  (logic 2.201ns (83.817%)  route 0.425ns (16.183%))
  Logic Levels:           1  (OBUF=1)
  Output Delay:           0.000ns
  Timing Exception:       MaxDelay Path 3.000ns -datapath_only

    Location             Delay type                Incr(ns)  Path(ns)    Netlist Resource(s)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------
    BITSLICE_RX_TX_X1Y50                              0.000     0.000 r  test_out_reg/C
                                                      0.734     0.734 r  test_out_reg/Q
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.425     1.159    test_out_OBUF
    AL8                  OBUF (Prop_OUTBUF_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      1.467     2.626 r  test_out_OBUF_inst/O
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     2.626    test_out
    AL8                                                               r  test_out (OUT)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------

                         max delay                    3.000     3.000    
                         output delay                -0.000     3.000    
                         required time                          3.000    
                         arrival time                          -2.626    
                         slack                                  0.374

The timing report for the input port:

Slack (MET) :             0.757ns  (required time - arrival time)
  Source:                 test_in
                            (input port)
  Destination:            test_samp_reg/D
                            (rising edge-triggered cell FDRE clocked by theclk  {rise@0.000ns fall@10.000ns period=20.000ns})
  Path Group:             theclk
  Path Type:              Setup (Max at Slow Process Corner)
  Requirement:            2.000ns  (MaxDelay Path 2.000ns)
  Data Path Delay:        1.136ns  (logic 0.856ns (75.342%)  route 0.280ns (24.658%))
  Logic Levels:           2  (IBUFCTRL=1 INBUF=1)
  Timing Exception:       MaxDelay Path 2.000ns -datapath_only

    Location             Delay type                Incr(ns)  Path(ns)    Netlist Resource(s)
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------
    AK8                                               0.000     0.000 r  test_in (IN)
                         net (fo=0)                   0.000     0.000    test_in_IBUF_inst/I
    AK8                  INBUF (Prop_INBUF_HRIO_PAD_O)
                                                      0.807     0.807 r  test_in_IBUF_inst/INBUF_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.105     0.912    test_in_IBUF_inst/OUT
    AK8                  IBUFCTRL (Prop_IBUFCTRL_HRIO_I_O)
                                                      0.049     0.961 r  test_in_IBUF_inst/IBUFCTRL_INST/O
                         net (fo=1, routed)           0.175     1.136    test_in_IBUF
    BITSLICE_RX_TX_X1Y49 FDRE                                         r  test_samp_reg/D
  -------------------------------------------------------------------    -------------------

                         max delay                    2.000     2.000    
                                                     -0.107     1.893    test_samp_reg
                         required time                          1.893    
                         arrival time                          -1.136    
                         slack                                  0.757

These timing reports show how set_max_delay with datapath_only narrows down the calculation to the data path.

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